Wednesday, May 27, 2009

June 2009 Newsletter


Dear Friends,

After a long, hard winter, signs of summer begin to blossom around us! The days are getting longer, and occasionally warmer, gardeners are busy planting flowers and vegetables, summer festivals and celebrations like graduation parties, camping outings and vacations are being arranged and everyone with whom I speak, it seems, is more than ready to spend as much time as they can soaking up some sunshine!

Summer is a time when we can start to see less of our church friends, as weekends fill up with those things we enjoy doing, and need to do, to connect with family and find rest. We at Gloria Dei understand this and celebrate with you the joy and meaning you find in your summer adventures. We also remind you of lots of great opportunities to share in worship, fellowship, learning and serving during the summer months!

Please remember that we now have a Wednesday evening worship service at 7pm with weekly communion in addition to our Sunday morning 9am worship service! Why not even invite new friends to join you at one of our worship services?

Become a steward of your church building and grounds in the summer months by signing up to clean the church or become a “glorious gardener” by adopting a patch of the church landscaping to tend to during the summer months!

Volunteer to serve with friends at one of the many outreach events we have going on! See Mike Stephany if you can help in any way with the Junior High 3:3 Basketball Tourney being held at Gloria Dei Saturday June 27 and Sunday June 28! Volunteer at Road America in the concession stands on Sunday, July 19 to raise money for our youth and operating fund! Donate items and volunteer to work at our church rummage sale on Friday July 31 and Saturday, August 1!

Partake in summer fellowship activities. The Allees will once again be hosting a Luau at their home on Saturday, August 1 for adult fellowship. Gloria Deiers will be heading to Calumet County Park for camping on Friday August 21-Sunday August 23! If you are a young mom, take an opportunity to gather with other young moms on the first Wednesday of the month at El Camino at 6ish!

Expand your Biblical knowledge by joining the Thursday morning 6:30am Bible Study group at Terre Verde in Chilton. Volunteer to be a Vacation Bible School teacher!

Remember also to continue your financial stewardship of your church during the summer.

Many blessings to you in the wonderful days of summer! Pastor Vicki
JUNE 2 Gloria Dei Book Club 7:00PM
JUNE 3 Glorious Young Moms 6ish
Stewardship 6:00PM
Worship 7:00PM
JUNE 4 PV leaves for Synod Assembly
JUNE 5 Synod Assembly
JUNE 6 Synod Assembly
JUNE 7 Worship 9:00AM
JUNE 9 Gloria Dei Church Council 7:00PM
JUNE 10 Worship 7:00PM
JUNE 14 Worship 9:00AM
JUNE 17 Worship 7:00PM
JUNE 21 Worship 9:00AM
Happy Father’s Day
Session I Confirmation Camp Departure
JUNE 24 Worship 7:00PM
JUNE 27 3:3 Basketball Tourney
JUNE 28 Worship 9:00AM
3:3 Basketball Tourney
Confirmation Camp Departure
Gloria Dei Book Clubs
The Book Club is discussing Loving Frank by Nancy Horan, June 2 @ 7pm.

Prayers of Healing
• Remy Field, cancer.
• Payton Lenhardt, brain injury
• Pastor Tim Routh, serving in Iraq

Prayers of Congratulations
• Nicole Allee, Amy Erickson, Jaime Galarno, Derek Rickert, Molly Sabel, Casey Skibo and Greg Skurupey on their high school graduation!
• The Not Yet Ready For Divine Time Players, from the actors, chef, kitchen staff, table designers, wait staff, set builders and designers, etc. for another excellent production!
• Hank and Kelly Aull on their marriage!
• Jonah and Renee Kilty on their marriage!
• Jeremiah and Amy Schaefer on their marriage!

Memorials and Gifts
Pastor Vicki has given a gift to the operating fund in honor of Hank and Kelly Aull, Jonah and Renee Kilty and Jeremiah and Amy Schaefer.

Our Memorial and Gift program is one in which members of Gloria Dei can designate money in remembrance of people who have died (when you see, for example, “Memorials to be given…” in obituaries, often the option is to donate money to a specific or undesignated fund at church) or in honor of someone during a special occasion, such as births, weddings, graduations, confirmations and other celebrations of life. Dee Langohr and Mary Agnew are the chair persons of our Memorial and Gift Committee and periodically in the newsletter you will see memorial or honorarium gifts to funds such as: roof, coffee bar, worship supplies, church furniture, parking lot paving and undesignated (giving the committee a chance to confer about where the funds are most needed when distributing a gift.) The bookshelves in the fire side room, for example, were created from a memorial gift. We welcome you to utilize this as an option to remember and honor your loved ones.

***When You Desire a Hospital Visit***
Please read this!!! Because of the new changes in privacy laws, Pastor Vicki must be called by you or a family member if you desire a hospital visit. Even if the hospital asks you for your information, it is not always delivered, and when delivered, not always in a timely manner. Please call Gloria Dei’s office 920-898-5333 or Pastor Vicki’s cell phone 920-716-0661

Gloria Dei Church Camp Out
Its camping season again and time to sign up for our annual Chuch campout. This year we will be camping from Friday, August 21st thru Sunday, August 23rd, the cost is $42.00 plus $6.30 for the reservation. Sign up is on the kiosk. If you have any questions you may call Broderick at (920)849-3991

Gloria Dei Directory
Its time to update our church membership directory. I will be forming a committee to help in this endeavor. If you are good at organizing or calling church members this committee is just for you! Please call Broderick if you are interested in helping. (920) 849-3991

President’s Thoughts

A reminder of what’s going on at Gloria Dei and how you can help!

If you can find time as a family to help clean at Gloria Dei that would be great! We do not have a janitor at Gloria Dei; we decided to save money by having families choose a week to clean when they have time. We have a list on the Kiosk of what needs to be done and you can do the cleaning anytime during the week that you can make it. This has been working well so far. A great thank you to all who have helped!

You can also help Gloria Dei by buying scrip cards at the table by the front door on Sunday or Wednesday. You may buy cards for food, gas, and other items which does not cost any more than you would normally pay for these items, but Gloria Dei would get a per cent from the retail store.

We had our annual Dinner Theater coming in May! You were be treated a great play called “The Attack of the Lake People” and a fine dinner to go along with it. Thank you to all the Gloria Dei folks who worked together on this great under-taking!

Tara Leithold is led us in a cookie dough sale as a money making project for Gloria Dei! Thank you to all who helped out!

Gloria Dei members, also have the opportunity to join many committees and other group activities as members. Please don’t be afraid to join!

Michael Field

Electronic Giving or Simply Giving
Please consider using "Simply Giving," or automatic cash withdrawal/deposit as your method of giving. Since January we've been in a cash flow crunch with our current expenses and the building fund. Simply Giving allows a somewhat more stable cash flow picture. Contact Colleen Allee for the "Simply Giving" info. 920-889-1187’Barb Spiegel, Church Treasurer

Glorious Young Moms
We have a wonderful group of young moms meeting once a month at 6ish (because that’s the life of a mom!) on the first Wednesday of every month at 6ish at El Camino. All young moms are welcome!

Wednesday Worship Service
We now offer two worship services. In addition to our Sunday morning 9:00am service we celebrate worship on Wednesdays at 7pm. Holy Communion is served weekly at both services.

A Message from Your Treasurer
At this time our operating and building funds are very low, with the operating fund needing serious immediate attention. We must pay Pastor Vicki’s board of pensions health insurance or it will lapse, the building insurance is due, the copier bill is due, among other bills.

Please continue to pray for the ministry of Gloria Dei. Search your heart if you are able to meet or increase your pledges to the operating and building committee or consider becoming first time givers to the operating and building fund so we can continue our mission of making Christ known! Thanksgiving in Christ,
Barb Spiegel, Treasurer

It's time to reserve the date for the annual luau. This year it will be Saturday, August 1st. The party starts around 7:00. Hawaiian attire is optional, however, leis will be provided along with soda. If you want to bring a snack or hors'doervre to share, that's ok. New members, this is a fun opportunity to meet other members in a more casual atmosphere. Our address is 2119 Wisconsin Avenue in New Holstein. Any questions, talk to Don or Coleen Allee or call 920-889-1187.

Glorious Gardeners
Gloria Dei is looking for gardeners to adopt a portion of Gloria Dei’s landscaping to tend to during the summer months! Please sign up on the kiosk if you are interested!
A Bunch of Thanks
• To the not yet ready for divine time players and all of Gloria Dei for another successful dinner theater season!
• The worship and music committee for taking care of set up, take down, and button pushing for the Wednesday Worship services!
• To Jayne and Dean Meyer for ordering and donating the communion bread!
• To Sherry Wilberscheid for donating the wine and grape juice used for communion!
• To Sherry Wilberscheid, Rotation Sunday School lesson designer, Rachel Barrett, Rotation Sunday School coordinator and all of the wonderful volunteers who taught rotations this past Rotation Sunday School year!
• To Broderick Barrett for coordinating our cake receptions!
• To Tara Leithold for conducting our cookie dough fundraiser!
• To Mike and Carol Field for being our Synod Assembly delegates!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank a lot of people for helping with the 8th annual Dinner Theater.
*Brodrick Barrett preparing the meals
*Mike Stephany and youth for serving
*Rachel Nelson-Barrett for advertising, posters and tickets
*Al and Karen Ebert for setting tables
*Craig Heller and Jaremy Cobble for making the stage addition
*Nate and Jenna Pleshek and Jediah Barrett for lighting
*Molly Hetzner and Elaine Kildsig for ticket taking and prompting
*Tara Leithold and Barb Spiegl for sound effects
*Mary Jo Muellenbach, the treasurer of the Not Yet Ready for Divine Time
*All those who made desserts, set the stage, struck the stage, washed table linens, helped in the kitchen, came to a performance and did anything else to help out.
We had a very successful year again. Although the final figures are not in yet, it appears we made over $2,500.00. I will put the final figures in the July newsletter.
Dianne Fett

Sunday School and VBS Meeting
Parents, Tara Leithold is hosting a parent meeting regarding Sunday School and Vacation Bible School. Please plan to attend following worship this Sunday, May 31! We are in search of a Sunday School Coordinator. All the Rotation Sunday School lessons are already written. The Sunday School coordinator would recruit volunteer teachers. The commitment is ONE SUNDAY. If you are interested in being the coordinator, please see Tara Leithold!

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
N1230 Seven Corners Road
New Holstein, WI 53061
Ministers: The People of Gloria Dei
Pastor: Victoria Simon
Keyboard: Doug Everson
Newsletter June 2009

It is difficult to conduct a service without these needed helpers. If you cannot fulfill your obligation on your appointed Sunday please make arrangements to switch with someone.

June July
Altar Set Up: Nicole Allee Altar Set Up: Jayne Meyer
Kira Ruechel Sherry Wilberscheid
June 7: July 5
Greeters: Karren & Jaremy Cobble Greeters: Field Family
Acolytes: Haleigh Stephany Acolytes: Hanna Schumacher
Abby Sabel Jenna Pleshek
Lector: Al Fett Lector: Mike Field
Ushers: Kira Ruechel Ushers: Gene Telschow
Roxanne Ruechel Sharon Telschow
Comm. Assist: Dianne Fett Comm. Assist: Dick Welsch

June 14: July 12
Greeters: Ruth Camomilli Greeters: Rickert Family
Acolytes: Dana VanDyke Acolytes: Austin Barrett
Ellen Kildsig Marcus Wise
Lector: Jaremy Kobble Lector: Dianne Fett
Ushers: Heidi Sabel Usher: Brodrick Barrett
Molly Sabel Rachel Barrett
Comm. Assist: Mike Hetzner Comm. Assist: Tim Argall

June 21: July 19
Greeters: Craig Family Greeters: Sabel Family
Acolytes: Mariah Barrett Acolytes: Abby Sabel
Emily Anderson Marilee Kresbach Lector: Mike Hetzner Lector: Heidi Sabel
Ushers: Trent Agnew Ushers: Mike Hetzner
Mary Agnew Jerry Jensen
Comm. Assist: Nicole Allee Comm. Assist: Mollly Sabel

June 28: July 26
Greeters: Fett Family Greeters: Ruechel Family
Acolytes: Max Kornetzke Acolytes: Emily Kolberg
Nate Kornetzke Jenny Kolberg
Lector: Jerry Jensen Lector: Adam Ruechel
Ushers: Coleen Allee Ushers: Katherine Allee
Katherine Allee Nicole Allee
Comm. Assist: Tara Leithold Comm. Assist: Ruth Camomilli

A big thank you to all who volunteer their time and talent to assist with worship service.

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