Thursday, October 29, 2009

November 2009 newsletter

Please paste this link in your browser to read Gloria Dei's November newsletter!

Blessings :) PV

Thursday, October 1, 2009

October 2009 Newsletter


Dear Friends,

I’ve been having conversations with some prospective seminarians recently and one of the questions they never fail to ask: What is a typical work week like for a minister? I didn’t know how to describe a “typical week”, so I just gave them a snap shot of what happened during one of my weeks this month! I thought it might be interesting also for you to hear about some of the elements that can comprise your minister’s week too!

Mondays are my day off.

Tuesday begins at 8am where I respond to phone calls, emails, facebook messages and items people mentioned or inquired about on Sunday morning. I then review the Scriptures for the coming week, consult commentaries and pastor blogs and networking websites and continue my sermon preparing (started sometime midweek the week before), as I preach for the fist time on Wednesday evening. This past Tuesday, I made a hospital visit then came to the office where I had a pre-wedding appointment, a few “drop in” visits with members, spent time gathering data for the newsletter, making calls/emails/facebook messages/letters to contact every member regarding the pictorial directory, began preparation for confirmation class and prepared for the worship and music and stewardship meetings that evening. I went home to walk my dog and grab a quick supper and then returned to church for the mentioned meetings. I arrived home at about 8:30 and had a couple phone calls, emails and facebook messages to respond to that I didn’t get to during the day.

Wednesday, I had two pastoral meetings in Appleton. I was on my way back to the office when a call came in that I was needed in the Milwaukee area, so I headed that direction. I returned to the office around 4pm to prepare for confirmation class that evening. I had a brief check in with Doug as he arrived to prepare for choir that evening and some drop in visits with members, and then the kids and mentors started arriving for confirmation, as well as the meal hosting family. We had confirmation class from 5:30 until 6:45 and at 7pm I lead worship. I left church at about 8:30pm and had two phone calls to return on my way home.

Thursday mornings start early with the 6:30am Bible Study. After that, I stopped at home to begin organizing newsletter items sent to me. I received two church phone calls on my cell phone, and was wrapping one up as I came into the office at 9:30. I then caught up on my emails, facebook messages and office phone messages, scheduled an appointment for the new copier to be delivered, scheduled meetings with parishioners for next week. I try to leave the office earlier on Thursdays, since I begin so early, but it really depends on what comes up during the day and what meetings I have in the evening (often people schedule pre-wedding, pre-baptism, pastoral counseling sessions in the evening, as this is when more people are available).

Friday I finish and printed the bulletin, as my very helpful volunteer secretary (shout out to Kris Stephany!) is recovering from surgery, had a home visit, had two appointments and a lunch with parishioners, responded to calls, emails, facebook, etc. If there is a wedding scheduled I will have a wedding rehearsal.

Saturdays are often a bit more of a flexible day, if there isn’t a wedding. If I’ve scheduled appointments with people, I often meet them in the office or sometimes in their home, coffee shops or restaurants (this is true all through the week). I have Sunday worship items to prepare, my sermon to tweak and re-memorize, and calls, emails, facebook responses to make.

Sunday morning, of course, is worship. Often I connect with people following worship for spontaneous pastoral care sessions, lead adult forums, check in with folks during coffee hour. I usually leave the office between noon and 1pm. I then go home and take a minister’s sacred Sunday nap!

As you can see, it was an involved answer to give to a prospective seminarian as a minister’s life is filled with so many different tasks in any given day! I have to confess I love the variety!

Sometimes when things get busy, or when I am on the road, I worry I am missing some of you or that you think I’m too busy to connect. Please don’t hesitate to leave a message on the church answering machine (920-898-5333) call my cell phone (920-716-0661), set up an appointment, email me or give me a drop on facebook! I will always make time to share! You are the best part of variety in church life and ministry!
Blessings in Christ, Pastor Vicki
OCT 1 Bible Study 6:30AM
OCT 3 Youth to Gamblers Game 5:00PM
OCT 4 Worship 9:00AM
Rotation Sunday School 10:15AM
OCT 6 Book Club 7:00PM
OCT 7 Olan Mills Pictures
Confirmation @ Hellers 5:30PM
Choir Rehearsal 6:00PM
Worship 7:00PM
OCT 8 Bible Study 6:30AM
OCT 9 Church Clean Up All Day
OCT 10 Church Clean Up
OCT 11 Worship 9:00AM
Rotation Sunday School 10:15AM
Adult Forum: Faith & Twitter
OCT 12 PV @ Synod Theological Conf until
Wednesday afternoon
OCT 13 Church Council 7:00PM
OCT 14 Olan Mills Pictures
Confirmation @ Hellers 5:30PM
Choir Rehearsal 6:00PM
Worship 7:00PM
OCT 15 Bible Study 6:00AM
OCT 18 Worship 9:00AM
Confirmation Sunday
OCT 20 Stewardship 7:00PM
OCT 21 Confirmation @ church 5:30PM
Choir Rehearsal 6:00PM
Worship 7:00PM
OCT 22 Bible Study 6:30AM
OCT 25 Worship 9:00AM
Rotation Sunday School 10:15AM
OCT 26 Trial/Sentencing for Break in
PV in court all day
OCT 27 PV taking off instead of Monday, as
will be in court all day
OCT 28 Confirmation 5:30PM
Choir Rehearsal 6:00PM
Worship 7:00PM
OCT 29 Bible Study 6:30AM
OCT 31 CYA Later Halloween 7:00PM
Party @ Fetts
President’s Thoughts
Summer is over and Gloria Dei managed to make it though financially! This fall we will be asking families to consider taking a step up in their giving to Gloria Dei. Please consider the gift of everlasting life that Jesus has given to us!
We have been very busy in September. We approved a new copier contract with the use of a new copier. The copier we had was on its last legs. September 13th we had our Hunger Walk. We also had our Sunday School Rally with a pot luck lunch after church on Sep 13th. We are replacing our outside locks at church for better security. There will be a signup sheet for Gloria Dei Polo shirts for those interested.The shirts the Youth are wearing got the rest of us excited! There is cookie dough still available in the church freezer.
Coming events are Stewardship Sunday on Nov. 1st, Green Bay Gamblers game Oct. 3rd, Church Directory dates are Oct. 7th &14, Church cleaning Oct. 9th & 10th, Tables of Eight will be starting in Oct., Nov. 8th Chili Supper, and a Christmas Craft Sale on Nov. 21st .
For a church our size we have many activities! I encourage you to find activities that may interest you and give them a try. It’s a good way to get to know your fellow church members!

Gloria Dei Book Clubs
We meet Tuesday October 6 at 7pm to discuss Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. Our November book is A Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick and our December book is Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford.

Lutheran World Relief Needs
The first three Sundays in October - October 4, 11, 18 - will be Soap Sundays. A basket will be in the narthex collecting new, wrapped bars
of bath sized soap for Lutheran World Relief. The School kits and soap will be shipped from First United Lutheran in Sheboygan on
Saturday, October 24. Sarah Muermann

Green Bay Gamblers Game
On October 3rd we will be going to the Green Bay Gamblers game. Tickets are $7.00 for adults and non-youth members. Youth group members will be free. Please sign up on the sheet posted at church, which also has more details on it. Mike Stephany

Youth Chili Supper – Save the Date!
Sunday November 8th the youth group annual chili supper will be held. We hope to have all of our youth group help in the event – see the kiosk for sign up details and Gloria Dei friends – mark your calendars to come enjoy meeting and eating! Mike Stephany


Wednesday Worship Service
We now offer two worship services. In addition to our Sunday morning 9:00am service we celebrate worship on Wednesdays at 7pm. Holy Communion is served weekly at both services.

Confirmation Date
Our 9th graders will be confirmed on Sunday, October 18th!

2010 Confirmation Camp Dates
We have been given our week for confirmation camp 2010 - it will be Sunday afternoon, July 11- Friday 1pmish July 16! 8th graders will be attending camp.

A Confirmand’s Evening with the Bishop – Date Change!!!
The Manitowoc cluster churches have re-scheduled an evening with Bishop Jim Justman during our confirmation class time on Wednesday, November 18 at Faith Lutheran Church in Valders. We will gather for worship at 6pm and listen to Bishop Justman present on his trip from 7:15-8:15PM. All members are invited to attend!

Confirmation Monthly Mentors
Back by popular request is the monthly mentor confirmation program. The program aspires to pair an adult mentor with a confirmation student of the same gender. Once a month, the mentor and student meet to do any activity of your choice for at least, but not limited to, one hour. Some mentors have chosen always to meet at church for an hour. Some have met for breakfast, lunch, dinner, cookie baking, golfing bowling, church outings. I suggest that at least two of your meetings be working on a Gloria Dei service project together – like serving at dinner theater, the chili supper, highway clean up, Shrove Tuesday pancake supper, soup suppers, etc. The only thing you need to bring to these one hour meetings only once a month?! Yourself. The number one thing the students have reviewed as a favorite part of confirmation is getting to know an adult at church; at having someone look forward to spending time with them or just saying hello on Sunday mornings. The first meeting we will have together, to “get to know” one another and set a date for the next month’s meeting, during our Wednesday, October 21 class time. Join us for dinner. Sign up on the kiosk – we are always especially in need of male mentors – so DO IT!

***When You Desire a Hospital Visit***
Please read this!!! Because of the new changes in privacy laws, Pastor Vicki must be called by you or a family member if you desire a hospital visit. Even if the hospital asks you for your information, it is not always delivered, and when delivered, not always in a timely manner. Please call Gloria Dei’s office 920-898-5333 or Pastor Vicki’s cell phone 920-716-0661

C’Ya Later Halloween Costume Party
The Fett’s will be hosting the 5th annual C’Ya Later Halloween party. Costumes are required.
When: October 31, 7:00p.m. to ?
Where: N1636 Rabes Hilltop Road
New Holstein
What to Bring: A snack to pass
Fett’s will again provide a non-alcoholic Punch.
We are in need of people to do altar set-up. Right now we only have 7 and that is definitely not enough. Two people are put on the schedule each month. These two people can work out how they wish to handle it. Sometimes one put up and the other takes down. Or you may not be at church each Sunday that month so you may work it out with the other person that you can do it the first and third Sundays if they can do it the second and fourth. Altar Set-Up is very easy to do. Dianne Fett will be holding training sections after church on Sunday October 11 and 18. Please consider helping out. If we get enough people signed up each person will only have to be on the schedule once or twice a year.

Thanksgiving Eve
Please join us for worship on Thanksgiving Eve, Wednesday, November 25. We will have a pumpkin pie social following worship hosted by the worship and music committee!

Christmas Tree Decorating – Save the Date!
We are planning to have the Christmas Tree (thank you to Jerry and Pat Jensen for once again donating the tree) in the stand on Sunday, November 29 following worship! If you can help put it in the stand, please do! We will be decorating the tree following our first Advent Worship service on Wednesday, December 2!

Memorials and Gifts
Our Memorial and Gift program is one in which members of Gloria Dei can designate money in remembrance of people who have died (when you see, for example, “Memorials to be given…” in obituaries, often the option is to donate money to a specific or undesignated fund at church) or in honor of someone during a special occasion, such as births, weddings, graduations, confirmations and other celebrations of life. Dee Langohr and Mary Agnew are the chair persons of our Memorial and Gift Committee and periodically in the newsletter you will see memorial or honorarium gifts to funds such as: roof, coffee bar, worship supplies, church furniture, parking lot paving and undesignated (giving the committee a chance to confer about where the funds are most needed when distributing a gift.) We welcome you to utilize this as an option to remember and honor your loved ones. Pastor Vicki has donated gifts this month to the operating fund and building fund in honor of Chrissy and Rob Nelson’s marriage.

New Members Meal
If you are interested in exploring membership in Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, please share your interest with Pastor Vicki! I’d love to set up a time to meet with you and share information about our congregation as you are our guest in a meal. Blessings and welcome! 920-898-5333

Adult Forum Technology and Faith Series
One of the things I find myself speaking with members about most frequently recently is the usage of things like facebook, Twitter, blogging, Linked in, ipod apps, texting, YouTube, Hulu, etc. Some of you probably think I’m talking another language here, but it is actually a language many of our youth, especially, are fluent in, and these sites and apps are part of their every day life. Many of these sites and apps, when used safely and properly, can be great tools for social connection, networking, job seeking, and yes, even faith enhancing. Once a month I’d like to tackle a topic people have questions about in an adult forum. We’ll start this month with the most popular one – Twitter! Join me Sunday October 11 following worship to hear me present and join in conversation.

Gloria Dei Directory
We continue to schedule time slots with Olan Mills for pictures for a new pictorial directory on Wednesdays October 7 and October 14! We would like every member to participate! You are NOT required to buy pictures, but packages will be made available to you, including Christmas cards that arrive in time for this holiday season! Olan Mills has also changed their pet policy again, and one pet is allowed for pictures. Looking forward to seeing your face!

Tables of 8
All dinner group assignments have been made! If for some reason you did not receive your information, please contact me!
Sherry Wilberscheid
Electronic Giving or Simply Giving
Please consider using "Simply Giving," or automatic cash withdrawal/deposit as your method of giving Simply Giving allows a somewhat more stable cash flow picture. Contact Colleen Allee for the "Simply Giving" info.

Glorious Young Moms
We have a wonderful group of young moms meeting once a month at 6ish (because that’s the life of a mom!) on the first Wednesday of every month at 6ish at El Camino. All young moms are welcome!

Prayers of Thanks
• To Tara Leithold for leading our Rally Day festivities!
• To Kathy Welsch, Anne Sellen and Craig Heller for being confirmation class mentors!
• To Broderick Barrett for coordinating the Rally Day pot-luck.
• To Tara Leithold, Gary Meyer and Mike Stephany for hosting the Walk for Hunger!
• To Blanche Brenwall, Bev Thoma and Karren and Jaremy Cobble, our glorious gardeners who have donated much time and talent to beautifying our landscaping!
• To Trent and Mary Agnew and Sherry Wilberscheid for providing meals to our confirmation students in September!
• To Kathy Welsch for donating a DVD player to the congregation!
• To PV for donating copy paper, communion cups, Bibles for the confirmation students, computer cords and print cartridges, cleaning and office supplies and stamps!
• To all of you who have made bags or donated items to our Lutheran World Relief appeal!
• To Jerry Jensen, Al Fett and Barb Spiegel who’ve worked to negotiate a new copy machine and contract, with savings in our payment plan!
• To the Stephany family for donating our bulletins for the first quarter of 2010!
• To Mike Hetzner for planning the golf outing!
• To Mike Stephany for planning the youth hockey game outing!

Prayers of Healing
• Payton Lenhardt, brain injury
• Jarod Sabrowsky, serving in Iraq
• Braeden Rockow, radiation for spinal cancer
• Jim Welsch, lymphoma
• Vincent Provensal, eye surgery
• Dolores Fett, multiple myloma
• Kris Stephany, ear surgery recovery

Prayers of Comfort
• Mike and Carol Field on the death of a dear friend.

Prayers of Congratulations
• Kim Simmons and Jason Riebe on their engagement!

Link to Synod Newsletter
The East Central Synod of WI (the synod we belong to) is going exclusively on-line with their newsletter!You can view their newsletter at: Choose “Visions” on the sidebar, and download any newsletter you like!

Gloria Dei on Facebook
I have created a group on facebook called “The Dei of Our Lives” – on which I post announcements every week! If you are a facebook member you can friend me – Vicki Simon in the Milwaukee network. We have quite a community OF ALL AGES on fb, so feel free to join in! Also a reminder of our blogspot in which I paste the newsletter every month and occasionally post pictures and blog:
Church Clean Up
Please sign up for our annual fall church clean up on Friday, October 9 and Saturday, October 10th! A checklist of jobs will be in the narthex!
Al Fett, Facilities and Events

Gloria Dei Wear
We’ve had so many inquiries about our youth group member’s polo shirts that we’ve decided to make shirts for sale for any member who cares to order! Mike Stephany will be in touch soon with more details!

Change for 2010
Our new Giving Envelopes will be
undated. We are diverse in how often we
use our envelopes; this will allow us to
order envelopes every 2-3 years.
Members will continue to use their box of
envelopes until the box is empty. When
the current box is empty; simply request
another box from the Financial Secretary,
Pastor or a Council Member. The new box
will have a different number. This change
in envelope number will not affect your
giving record.
Starting 1/1/10 our envelopes
will no longer be dated.

Christmas Craft Sale
Annette Pleshek is heading up a task force of crafters interested in selling crafts at church on Saturday, November 21 with proceeds going to Gloria Dei! Please sign up on the kiosk or see Annette for more information! If you’re not a crafter, save the date (it’s during “Hunter’s Widow” time) to attend the event!

Golf Outing
Just a reminder that the Gloria Dei “Jim Swingin Memorial Golf Outing” is this Sunday, October 4 at noon at Badger Creek in New Holstein. Foursomes are encouraged to sign up on the kiosk! It is a “best ball” game. Please see Mike Hetzner for more details or sign up on the kiosk!

Poinsettia Order
I/we would like to order poinsettias to decorate the sanctuary for the Christmas season. Plants are $10.00 each. Orders must be received by Sunday, December 6.
Number of plants you would like: _______
In memory/honor of: (please circle one)_______________________
Place order with check in the box in the narthex. Please do not place it in the collection plate.
Plants may be taken home after the Christmas Eve service. Thank you! Worship & Music Committee

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
N1230 Seven Corners Road
New Holstein, WI 53061
Ministers: The People of Gloria Dei
Pastor: Victoria Simon
Keyboard: Doug Everson
Newsletter October 2009

It is difficult to conduct a service without these needed helpers. If you cannot fulfill your
obligation on your appointed Sunday please make arrangements to switch with someone.

October November
Altar Set Up: Dianne Fett Altar Set Up: Cari & Jerry Sabel
Annette Pleshek Laurie Argall

October 4 November 1
Greeters: Jensen Family Greeters: Heller Family
Acolytes: Austin Barrett Acolytes: Christopher Jacobs
R.J. Leithold Trever Agnew
Lector: Cari Sabel Lector: Gene Telschow
Ushers: Dave Leithold Ushers: Mary Agnew
Tara Leithold Trent Agnew
Comm. Asst: Gene Telschow Comm. Asst: Tim Argall

October 11 November 8
Greeters: Barb Spiegel Greeters: Ruth Camomilli
Acolytes: Max Kornetzke Acolytes: Max Kornetzke
Nate Kornetzke Nate Kornetzke
Lector: Jayne Meyer Lector: Brodrick Barrett
Ushers: Allan Fett Ushers: Coleen Allee
Dianne Fett Katherine Allee
Comm. Asst: Mike Hetzner Comm. Asst: Ruth Camomilli

October 18 November 15
Greeters: Pleshek Family Greeters: Cobble Family
Acolytes: Mariah Barrett Acoyltes: Dana Van Dyke
Emily Anderson Haleigh Stephany
Lector: Rachel Barrett Lector: Miki Wise
Ushers: Kira Ruechel Ushers: Mike Hetzner
Roxie Ruechel Jerry Jensen
Comm. Asst: Tara Leithold Comm. Asst: Jayne Meyer

October 25 November 22
Greeters: Blanche Brenwall Greeters: Fett Family
Acolytes: Trever Agnew Acolytes: Jenna Pleshek
Christopher Jacobs Abby Sabel
Lector: Coleen Allee Lector: Jeremiah Schaefer
Ushers: Heidi Sabel Ushers: Wayne Zwart
Molly Sabel Jerry Sabel
Comm. Asst: Dianne Fett Comm. Asst: Dick Welsch

November 29
Greeters: Field Family
Acolytes: Jenny Kolbert
Hannah Schumacher
Lector: Adam Ruechel
Ushers: Brodrick Barrett
Rachel Barrett
Comm. Asst: Scott Rickert

A big thank you to all who volunteer their time and talent to assist with worship