Thursday, June 25, 2009

July Newsletter and Worship Helpers


Dear Friends,

As most of you have now heard, we have had some security issues with the building. The church has been broken into at least seven times. One of the people who had been breaking in was apprehended. It was discovered he was using my office computer to download pornography (one of many computers in New Holstein and Kiel as he’s facing numerous charges in three counties) and taking small items from my office and the church.

As you can imagine, this was very unsettling for me to say the least. As the police were attempting to apprehend him, we as church minister and council could not make announcements about what was occurring to cooperate with their efforts. You may have noticed, for example, that I was not in my office for the several weeks. As my computer was destroyed, I am still working from home sometimes. Please know I am still always available to you and don’t hesitate to call my cell phone 920-716-0661 if you need to reach me and have not located me at church.

One of the things I’ve had to do as a result of the break ins is fill out a victim’s report/remittance form. In addition to indicating the expenses for what was lost in the break, I also had to make my suggestion for the sentencing of the offender.

I found myself staring at the page for a long time wondering what to suggest. I was at war with myself, because the part of me that felt angry, violated and victimized wanted him to pay! Another part of me remembered the restorative justice program task force I was a part of a few years ago, that we had an adult forum after a Sunday service at church about, also a few years ago, and wondered if it would be more productive to suggest this as a part of sentencing.

Restorative Justice is a theory of justice that focuses on crime and wrongdoing as acted against the individual or community rather than the state. In restorative justice processes, the person who has harmed takes responsibility for their actions and the person who has been harmed may take a central role in the process, in many instances receiving an apology and reparation directly or indirectly from the person who has caused them harm. Restorative processes which foster dialogue between the offender and the victim show the highest rates of victim satisfaction, true accountability by the offender, and reduced tendency to relapse into the previous behavior.

I thought about this man the police apprehended, a kid really, a 19 year old, and his recurring behavior and punishment. He has many previous convictions and concurrent convictions with ours. Going to jail is not making an impact on him. As we received the name of the person, two of the members of our church council have had him as a student in their special education programs. Suddenly a man breaking into my office in the middle of the night using church property inappropriately, had a face, a name, a history.

I wondered – what if I, and perhaps we, if you were willing, were to instead of simply being updated as to where he is in the court system, as it effects us, were to offer to be part of the restorative justice program with him? To allow him to take accountability for what he has done and make reparations along with building a relationship with us? What if we were to insist that he come to know and care about the people he’s harmed?

I have been amazed by you over the years as you have taken young people under your wing. From the beginning when our little ones are born and baptized, as they grow and are in Sunday School and Vacation Bible School, in our confirmation mentoring program, to the children who are “ours,” and even in reaching out to invite other children, like our Tina Checkie, who constantly tells me how much our presence in her life has made all the difference in shaping her course. What if we could also by coming to forgive and care for this young man be a part of inviting him, in Jesus’ name, to a different future?

A key piece in the restorative justice program working is the offender’s willingness to participate. He may not choose to do so or be given the opportunity to do so, but this does not mean we cannot keep him in our prayers, and I ask you to keep him in yours as he’s in mine. If he would agree to be a part of the restorative justice program, I ask that you prayerfully consider participating along with me.

Peace in Christ, Pastor Vicki

JULY 1 Worship 7:00PM
Glorious Young Moms 6ish
El Camino
JULY 3 PV & Youth Return from Conf. Camp
JULY 4 Happy Independence Day!
JULY 5 Worship 9:00AM
JULY 8 Stewardship 6:00PM
Worship 7:00PM
JULY 9 PV Ordination Anniversary - 9 yrs!
JULY 10 Meyer/Aschenbach Rehearsal
Lil Abner CCCT 7:00PM
JULY 11 Meyer/Aschenbach Wedding
Lil Abner 7:00PM
JULY 12 Worship 9:00AM
JULY 14 PV on vacation; returns July 21
JULY 15 Worship 7:00PM
JULY 16 Lil Abner CCCT 7:00PM
JULY 17 Lil Abner CCCT 7:00PM
JULY 18 Lil Abner CCCT 2:00PM
JULY 19 Worship 9:00AM
Dr. Mike Hetzner preaching
JULY 22 Worship 7:00PM
JULY 26 Worship 9:00AM
Gloria Dei Book Sale & Fellowship
JUNE 29 Worship 7:00PM
JULY 31 Gloria Dei Rummage Sale 8:00AM
AUG 1 Gloria Dei Rummage Sale 8:00AM
Luau @ the Allees 7:00PM

Gloria Dei Book Clubs
The Book Club is reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett this summer.

President’s Thoughts
Carol and I went to the 2009 Synod Assembly. If you ever want to be rejuvenated this is the place to go. Our own Pastor Vicki was on the planning committee. The Assembly gave us ideas to help build upon the foundation of Gloria Dei.

The speakers, church consultant Rev./Dr. Dave Daubert and ELCA statistician Rev. Ken Inskeep gave five effective characteristics of vibrant and growing congregations. These are:

1. God is real to people. What has God done today in your lives? Accept Christ as a gift!
2. The Biblical Story matters. We need to consider stories from the Bible. Act out, ask people about their view of person in story. Put story in real life. Need Adult Bible Study!
3. Ministry is a shared project. The Pastor is not the only Minister. Prayer is everyone’s job! Teach how to pray and try prayer in small groups.
4. There is a willingness to do a part of what God is up to. Christ as a mentor. Build relationships with fellow man.
5. People expect transformation. They want to be different on Monday!
Michael Field

Prayers of Healing
• Remy Field, cancer.
• Payton Lenhardt, brain injury
• Pastor Tim Routh & Jarod Sabrowsky, serving in Iraq
• Braeden Rockow, spinal cancer

Prayers of Congratulations
• Adam Ruechel on receiving Elkart Lake student of the year award, an invitation to Badger Boy’s State and his exchange scholarship to Germany!
• Jon Kobs and Nate Pleshek on their People to People scholarships to Austrailia! They travel this month!
• Mike and Annette Pleshek on their wedding anniversary!
• August and Phyllis Krueger on their 50th wedding anniversary!

Memorials and Gifts
Our Memorial and Gift program is one in which members of Gloria Dei can designate money in remembrance of people who have died (when you see, for example, “Memorials to be given…” in obituaries, often the option is to donate money to a specific or undesignated fund at church) or in honor of someone during a special occasion, such as births, weddings, graduations, confirmations and other celebrations of life. Dee Langohr and Mary Agnew are the chair persons of our Memorial and Gift Committee and periodically in the newsletter you will see memorial or honorarium gifts to funds such as: roof, coffee bar, worship supplies, church furniture, parking lot paving and undesignated (giving the committee a chance to confer about where the funds are most needed when distributing a gift.) The bookshelves in the fire side room, for example, were created from a memorial gift. We welcome you to utilize this as an option to remember and honor your loved ones.

***When You Desire a Hospital Visit***
Please read this!!! Because of the new changes in privacy laws, Pastor Vicki must be called by you or a family member if you desire a hospital visit. Even if the hospital asks you for your information, it is not always delivered, and when delivered, not always in a timely manner. Please call Gloria Dei’s office 920-898-5333 or Pastor Vicki’s cell phone 920-716-0661

Gloria Dei Church Camp Out
Its camping season again and time to sign up for our annual Chuch campout. This year we will be camping from Friday August 21st thru Sunday, August 23rd, the cost is $42.00 plus $6.30 for the reservation. Sign up is on the kiosk. If you have any questions you may call Broderick at (920)849-3991

Gloria Dei Directory
Its time to update our church membership directory. I will be forming a committee to help in this endeavor. If you are good at organizing or calling church members this committee is just for you! Please call Broderick if you are interested in helping. (920) 849-3991

Electronic Giving or Simply Giving
Please consider using "Simply Giving," or automatic cash withdrawal/deposit as your method of giving. Since January we've been in a cash flow crunch with our current expenses and the building fund. Simply Giving allows a somewhat more stable cash flow picture. Contact Colleen Allee for the "Simply Giving" info. 920-889-1187’Barb Spiegel, Church Treasurer

Glorious Young Moms
We have a wonderful group of young moms meeting once a month at 6ish (because that’s the life of a mom!) on the first Wednesday of every month at 6ish at El Camino. All young moms are welcome!

Wednesday Worship Service
We now offer two worship services. In addition to our Sunday morning 9:00am service we celebrate worship on Wednesdays at 7pm. Holy Communion is served weekly at both services.

A Message from Your Treasurer
At this time our operating and building funds are very low, with the operating fund needing serious immediate attention.

Please continue to pray for the ministry of Gloria Dei. Search your heart if you are able to meet or increase your pledges to the operating and building committee or consider becoming first time givers to the operating and building fund so we can continue our mission of making Christ known! Thanksgiving in Christ,
Barb Spiegel, Treasurer

It's time to reserve the date for the annual luau. This year it will be Saturday, August 1st. The party starts around 7:00. Hawaiian attire is optional, however, leis will be provided along with soda. If you want to bring a snack or hors'doervre to share, that's ok. New members, this is a fun opportunity to meet other members in a more casual atmosphere. Our address is 2119 Wisconsin Avenue in New Holstein. Any questions, talk to Don or Coleen Allee or call 920-889-1187.

Glorious Gardeners
Gloria Dei is looking for gardeners to adopt a portion of Gloria Dei’s landscaping to tend to during the summer months! Please sign up on the kiosk if you are interested!

Gloria Dei Rummage Sale and Book Sale
Gloria Dei is currently accepting donations for our rummage sale which will be held on Friday July 31 and Saturday August 1! Please put all donations in the play room! Thanks!

Gloria Dei Book Sale
We have some wonderful readers at Gloria Dei so please be sure to purchase books during our book sale, Sunday July 26th! If you would like to make donations for the sale, please leave books in the play room! All books that aren’t sold on July 26 will be put in the church rummage sale!

Newsletter Publication
Since January when we had severe problems with the church office equipment, we went to e-mailing our newsletter and publishing it on a website on-line. If you do not have use of a computer, or know someone who doesn't have use of a computer, we don’t want to miss sending you the news! Please let Pastor Vicki know and she will print a hard copy for you! Thanks!

A Bunch of Thanks
• To Tara Leithold for conducting our cookie dough fundraiser!
• To Mike and Carol Field for being our Synod Assembly delegates!
• To Kris Stephany for creating and running our bulletins!
• To Mike and Carol Field and Cheryl Heller for selling SCRIP!

Counter Schedule
July: 5- Karen Cobble, 12- Dean & Jayne Meyer, 19- Roxann Ruechel, 26- Al & Jenny Krebsbach.

August: 2- Allen Fett, 6- Julie Schaefer, 16- Karen Cobble, 23- Dean & Jayne Meyer, 30- Roxann Ruechel.

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
N1230 Seven Corners Road
New Holstein, WI 53061
Ministers: The People of Gloria Dei
Pastor: Victoria Simon
Keyboard: Doug Everson
Newsletter July 2009

It is difficult to conduct a service without these needed helpers. If you cannot fulfill your obligation on your appointed Sunday please make arrangements to switch with someone.

July August
Altar Set Up: Cari & Jerry Sabel Altar Set Up: Carol Field
Annette Pleshek Laura Argall
July 5 August 2
Greeters: Field Family Greeters: Hetzner Family
Acolytes: Hanna Schumacher Acolytes: Haliegh Stephany
Jenna Pleshek Dana Van Dyke
Lectors: Mike Field Lector: Molly Sabel
Ushers: Gene Telschow Ushers: Cari Sabel
Sharon Telschow Jerry Sabel
Comm. Assist: Dick Welsch Comm. Asst: Scott Rickert

July 12 August 9
Greeters: Rickert Family Greeters: Jayne and Dean Meyer
Acolytes: Austin Barrett Acolytes: Christopher Jacobs
Marcus Wise Trever Agnew
Lector: Dianne Fett Lector: Mary Agnew
Usher: Brodrick Barrett Ushers: Carol Field
Rachel Barrett Mike Field
Comm. Assist: Tim Argall Comm. Asst: Jayne Meyer

July 19 August 16
Greeters: Sabel Family Greeters: Leithold Family
Acolytes: Abby Sabel Acolytes: R.J. Leithold
Marilee Kresbach Austin Barrett
Lector: Heidi Sabel Lector: Sherry Wilberscheid
Ushers: Mike Hetzner Ushers: Laurie Argall
Jerry Jensen Tim Argall
Comm. Assist: Mollly Sabel Comm. Asst: Adam Ruechel

July 26 August 23
Greeters: Ruechel Family Greeters: Telschow Family
Acolytes: Emily Kolberg Acolytes: Mariah Barrett
Jenny Kolberg Emily Anderson
Lector: Adam Ruechel Lector: Steffi Sabel
Ushers: Katherine Allee Ushers: Bill Craig
Nicole Allee Wayne Zwart
Comm. Assist: Ruth Camomilli Comm. Asst: Barb Spiegel

August 30
Greeters: Allee Family
Acolytes: Nate Kornetzke
Max Kornetzke
Lector: Kira Ruechel
Ushers: Dean Meyer
Jayne Meyer
Comm. Asst: Carol Field

A big thank you to all who volunteer their time and talent to assist with worship service.