Friday, December 19, 2008

Pictures from November & December

Newsletter - January 2009


Dear Friends,
This morning I’m reading from Luke 1:26-38. It’s the story we religious types refer to as “The Annunciation” – or when the angel Gabriel brings the amazing news to Mary that she, a virgin, will give birth to God’s son!
I don’t know about you, but for me “The Annunciation” is one of the most challenging passages of the Bible; but not for the reasons you might expect.
You might expect, for example, that I would have no idea what to think about the idea of an angel’s visit. Let me give you some comfort here, because like you, I don’t know exactly how to think about angels. Or you might expect that I don’t know what to make of the idea that a virgin could give birth to any son – much less God’s son – and ditto there too - the story is a lot to process, even in faith.
But quite honestly, the thing that bothers me most about “The Annunciation” is that it suggests to live the life of faith as Mary did, we MUST allow God to interrupt us.
Think about it – Mary is a young girl dreaming of all the things life might bring. She dreams of her wedding. She envisions how she and Joseph’s children look – SOME DAY – will they have his eyes and her smile? Mary considers the home she and Joseph will make together and the ways they will furnish it (at least she’s marrying a carpenter – why she might have the finest furniture in town!).
Of all the dreams Mary has, I can GUARANTEE that she never has considered God will interrupt with a visiting angel, conceiving a child as a virgin, and having God’s Son. Mary is not dreaming of the impending ridicule that will come from the community as they frown upon her – an unwed mother. Mary is not imagining Joseph’s response when she tells him about the angel visit and message. Mary is certainly not anticipating how much she will love her son Jesus – and the pain that will interrupt her life when he dies on the cross; nor the joy that will come when she learns he brings God’s triumphant victory in the resurrection.
Yes, the hardest thing for her to take in is perhaps the hardest thing we have to take in during lives of faith, and that is – while we may send God the memo of what we expect, living in God’s reign means our plans are interrupted.
Mary responds to the angel’s news with the words “Let it be to me according to your will.” Mary heard God’s word and submitted to it; she noticed she was being interrupted, she recognized the interruption was from God and she embraced it.
I often wonder what I would have said in Mary’s shoes. Probably not “Let it be to me according to your will” but something more like “Um – excuse me – this isn’t working for me!”
But interruptions do come to all of our lives, don’t they? Maybe they aren’t dramatic, like the visit of an angel; in fact, it would be nice if they were, because sometimes God interruptions can be hard to discern and only days or even years later, on reflection, can we see how God interrupted our lives and used us in love.
We are interrupted in a busy day by someone who needs our listening ear – and despite our hectic schedule, we take the time to do so and learn later it changed their life. We are interrupted at the grocery store by a tantruming child and make funny faces at him and are then thanked by a young parent just trying to get through the day. We interrupt a day off to worship or volunteer and then are amazed at the joy and sense of community we find in worshiping and serving.
As we enter a new year and anticipate all it will bring, few things are certain; but this is: God will interrupt us. May we find the courage to answer as Mary did “Let it be according to your will” and watch in amazement as God transforms our lives in God’s surprising love.
Happy New Year! PV

JAN 1 Happy New Year
JAN 4 Worship 9:00AM
Rotation Sunday School 10:15AM
JAN 6 Epiphany
Gloria Dei Book Club 7:00PM
The Friday Night Knitting Club by Kate Jacobs
***bring a white elephant gift to exchange***
JAN 7 Confirmation Class 5:30PM
Choir Rehearsal 6:00PM
Worship 7:00PM
JAN 8 Glorious Young Moms 6ish
El Camino in Kiel
JAN 11 Worship 9:00AM
Rotation Sunday School 10:15AM
JAN 13 Church Council 7:00PM
***Please Turn in Annual Reports***
JAN 14 Confirmation Class 5:30PM
Choir Rehearsal 6:00PM
Worship 7:00PM
JAN 18 Worship 9:00AM
Rotation Sunday School 10:15AM
Worship and Music 10:15AM
JAN 21 Confirmation Class 5:30PM
Choir Rehearsal 6:00PM
Worship 7:00PM
JAN 25 Worship 9:00AM
Rotation Sunday School 10:15AM
JAN 27 Confirmation Class 5:30PM
Choir Rehearsal 6:00PM
Worship 7:00PM
FEB 1 Worship 9:00AM
Annual Meeting & Breakfast 10:15AM

Gloria Dei Book Clubs
The Gloria Dei Book Club is discussing The Friday Night Knitting Club by Kate Jacobs at 7pm on Tuesday January 6th. In keeping with the annual tradition, like the wise men, we’ll bring gifts to each other – white elephant gifts that is – bring one to exchange ☺

Prayer Chain
• Doris and Ken Willgrubs, parents of Roxie Ruechel, special intentions
• Remy Field, cancer.
• Payton Lenhardt, brain injury
• Pastor Tim R., serving in Iraq

Snow Plowing
As a cost saving measure, the parking lot will be plowed when there is more than 2” of snow. – Jean Haack

***When You Desire a Hospital Visit***
Please read this!!! Because of the new changes in privacy laws, Pastor Vicki must be called by you or a family member if you desire a hospital visit. Even if the hospital asks you for your information, it is not always delivered, and when delivered, not always in a timely manner. Please call Gloria Dei’s office 920-898-5333 or Pastor Vicki’s cell phone 920-716-0661

Glorious Young Moms
We have a wonderful group of young moms meeting once a month at 6ish (because that’s the life of a mom!) on Thursday, January 8. They will meet at El Camino in Kiel this time. New members welcome at any time! If you have questions please call Rebecca Hansen, 849-9932 or Heidi Aprill 894-1348

Wednesday Worship Service
We now offer two worship services. In addition to our Sunday morning 9:00am service we celebrate worship on Wednesdays at 7pm. Holy Communion is served weekly at both services.

ISO Thrivent Representatives
Thank you so much to Jean Haack who has served as our Thrivent representative over the years! Jean will be unable to resume her duties in the new year. We are currently looking for a Thrivent member who would be our Thrivent liaison. Jean will be happy to explain the duties involved. Please see PV or Jean if you are interested! Ideally, we would have 2-3 reps!

Prayer Chain
We are trying to update our prayer chain. If you are interested in participating in the prayer chain please sign up with your name and email address on the sign-up on the kiosk. We will not have a designated captain on the prayer chain but rather anyone in the church can contact any member of the prayer chain with a prayer request and that member will email the request to everyone else on the list. Please respect the privacy of others and only pass on requests that are approved by the individual involved.

President’s Thoughts
One of the things we have accomplished as a congregation since Pastor Vicki arrived nearly seven years ago is moving from Missionary Congregation to an Independent Congregation. This means we no longer receive approximately $10,000 in financial aid; this is positive!!
We have been able to move forward and make up the difference! We need to continue to do so.

We do have a plan to stay in good standing financially.
Gloria Dei has always stepped up when we needed to!

Things we are doing & how you can help:
1. Pledge to give back your financial gifts to God.
a. Consider challenging yourself to grow your pledge each year.
b. Consider becoming a first time pledger.
c. Consider using Simply Giving to automatically deduct your pledge.
d. Keep current with your annual
Pledging resources helps us plan our
yearly budget and spend it prudently.
2. We are looking to Refinance our Mortgage!
a. Mortgage was 5%, went to adjustable rate of 6.25%
b. We are looking other banks to obtain a better rate!
c. Please consider giving more to Building Fund or become a first time giver to the building fun. This is separate from the operating fund, which pays salaries, electric, heat, insurance, synod benevolence, etc. The building is our mortgage payment. We have one of the lowest church mortgages around, but we rely on everyone to make the payment to keep our building open as well as running.
3. Consider using Scrip for your gas, food,
and other needs!
a. This gives money to Gloria
Dei without costing you by
simply purchasing a gift card
b. Consider using scrip for
birthday, Christmas, or other
special times along with needs,
such as gas and groceries.
c. consider donating Scrip to a
member in temporary need of
gas or groceries

4. Please consider helping Gloria Dei by serving on committees, offices, or other projects of the church; we know your time is precious, but consider donating some of it to give back to the Lord.

5. Look into possibilities of helping other find jobs, swapping clothes, especially if you have children, and giving food to our area food pantries.

We sincerely believe that the people of Gloria Dei have come through when they realized help was needed. Help is needed.
Peace in Chist, Mike Field

Christmas Eve & New Year’s Eve Worship
Please join us for worship at 7pm on Christmas Eve, Wednesday, December 24th! Also join Dr. Mike Hetzner and co. for a special New Year’s reflection and your last chance to sing the Holden Evening Prayer until Lent on Wedneaday, December 31st at 7:00pm.

Church Clean Up and Snow Shoveling
We rely on church volunteers to do our snow shoveling, and now, cleaning. A list of jobs will be posted on the kiosk. If you or your family is able to clean during the week, please sign up! If you happen to be in the building and see a job isn’t checked off for a week and you are able to do it, your help would be greatly appreciated!

“For unto you is born this day, in the City of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.”
Luke 2:11

A Bunch of Thanks
To Jerry and Pat Jensen for donating the Christmas tree!
To Jean Haack and Cathy Palmer for making and decorating the outside wreath and to Dean Meyer for hanging it!
To the Stephany family, Bill and Peg Craig, Cheryl Heller, Jean Haack, Barb Spiegel, Laura and David Hoban, Tim Argall and Selia Salzsieder for helping with the tree decorating!
To Barb Spiegel for making the Advent wreath!
To Jayne Meyer for organizing the poinsettias and arranging them!
To Blanche Brenwall for decorating for the New Holstein Churches Christmas Round Robin!
To Jayne and Dean Meyer and Tim and Laurie Argall for folding bulletins!
To Doug Everson and the choir for all of the beautiful Advent and Christmas music!
To Barb Spiegel for donating a new vacuum cleaner and to Bill Immich for picking it up and delivering it!
To Sue and Selia Salzsieder, Mike and Carol Field, Ruth Camomilli, and Dianne Fett for cleaning the church this month!
To Mike Hetzner, Mike Field and Bill Craig for shoveling this month

Save the Date – Annual Meeting
Please be sure to mark Sunday, February 1 on your calendar to meet for our annual meeting! Once again we will be having breakfast following worship and commence with the business and celebrating making Christ Known!

Nonfiction Book Club
The Nonfiction Book Club will be discussing 1491 : new revelations of the Americas before Columbus by Charles C. Mann on February 2nd at 6:30 p.m. In a riveting and fast-paced history, Mann debunks much of what we thought we knew about pre-Columbian America. Reviewing the latest, not widely reported research, Mann zestfully demonstrates that long before any European explorers set foot in the New World, Native American cultures were flourishing with a high degree of sophistication. Please join us!
-Sue. Salzsieder,