Thursday, April 30, 2009

May Newsletter 2009

Dear Friends,
The other day I caught part of Diane Rehm’s radio program on NPR. She was interviewing Tori Murden McClure regarding her new book A Pearl in the Storm: How I Found My Heart in the Middle of the Ocean, a story of her journey as the first woman to cross the Atlantic Ocean by rowboat. The interview was so fascinating I picked up the book!

The thing that captured my heart most in Murden McClure’s storytelling was her discovery of WHAT she was REALLY wrestling with in her in the row boat on the Atlantic. Indeed, it was the issue she wrestled with in all areas of life. In the Atlantic’s solitude and storms, Murden McClure had to face that although she’d always been a conqueror of sorts in the realms of knowledge, social justice and athleticism, ever pushing herself to learn more, give more, be more, no matter what she did or how mighty she became, she could NOT conquer her own sense of helplessness in the face of human suffering.

There is one profound moment in the book when Murden McClure articulates her dilemma. It’s as she’s training to be a minister, at Harvard Divinity school and working as a chaplain in an inner city Boston Hospital (one of many fascinating vocations she explores). The grief upon grief she witnesses in the homeless, the hopeless, those suffering and dying, those who mirror elements of her own life’s suffering and augment it with their own, begin to bear down on her, and she finds herself turning to a wise patient she often visits, crying tears of compassion for the things she witnesses, but is not able to do much about. The patient gently wipes her tears away and tells her, “You must let your heart be broken by the things that break the heart of God.”
Immediately Murden McClure recognizes the lesson as “too advanced for me,” yet the one she will continue to wrestle with in her life’s journey. “My heart was breaking. God’s heart was breaking.” She says. “These things anyone could understand. But being at ease with this brokenness, being OK with it, seemed like surrendering to helplessness. This I could not do. This lesson was too advanced.”

As the book concludes Murden McClure reveals her most profound insight in her Atlantic journey and life journey is that she’d always assumed helplessness was a malevolent force outside of her that she had to defeat. She had an “a-ha” moment of discovery when realizing helplessness was but a part of her human brokenness. “It is our brokenness, our helplessness, which makes us human. I thought I’d been trying to earn God’s forgiveness (by conquering helplessness), but the forgiveness I needed was my own. I had only to forgive myself…and accept my dragons, make peace with my helplessness….so I could be accessible to the love of other people and open to returning that love.”

Suddenly, in that discovery, one night in the middle of a hurricane on the Atlantic, Murden McClure feels a peace that passes understanding and a sense of atonement. She discovers “Our helplessness makes us human; love is what makes humanity bearable.” She determines to spend the rest of her life embracing her helplessness and letting it actually be a connecting point to others in their predicament of the same human condition, “solved” only when they reach out to each other in the love of God.

It’s a wonderful Easter story, isn’t it?! For who discovers themselves to be in the predicament of helpless human brokenness but the disciples of Jesus during this season?! Jesus closest friends had spent their journey trying to be conquerors of helplessness and expecting Jesus to be the messiah of their dreams, slaying the dragon of helplessness as a warrior who would conquer the city Jerusalem, jumping through their hoops of success, as a rabbi who would outsmart any full of special knowledge and charm.

How does Jesus conquer helplessness?! Only by entering the brokenness of being fully human in dying, humiliatingly on a cross. It was the only way He could show God’s heart break, you see, for the suffering in the world. Jesus takes this suffering into Himself, and raises victorious from the dead!

And what is God’s greatest blessing in the rising?!

The connection to one another not in our helplessness forever, but instead, in Jesus’ victorious love; a love, like Murden McClure learns, that is the only thing that makes our human condition of helplessness bearable.

As disciples of God, we may row ourselves into a metaphorical mid of the Atlantic many times over in a life time, frustrated by our human condition of helplessness. May we remember that to be an Easter people we need only trust again the only thing that makes our human condition bearable; Christ’s love, which is so often found in giving and receiving love to each other.

Blessings in Christ, PV

MAY 1 Spring Clean Up All Day
Beatty/Aull Rehearsal 5:00PM
MAY 2 Spring Clean Up until 10:00AM
Beatty/Aull Wedding
MAY 3 Worship 9:00AM
First Communion is celebrated
Rotation Sunday School 10:15AM
Dinner Theater Set-up 10:15AM
Prairie Burn 10:15AM
MAY 5 Gloria Dei Book Club 7:00PM
Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson
Stewardship 7:00PM
MAY 6 Confirmation Class 5:30PM
Worship 7:00PM
MAY 7 Bible Study Terra Verde 6:30AM
MAY 8 Meyer/Kilty Rehearsal (offsite)
MAY 9 Dinner Theater 6:00PM
Meyer/Kilty Wedding
May 10 Worship 9:00AM
Dinner Theater 4:00PM
***cookie dough sale ends***
MAY 12 Church Council 7:00PM
MAY 13 Worship 7:00PM
MAY 14 Bible Study Terre Verde 6:30AM
MAY 15 Dinner Theater 6:30PM
MAY 16 Dinner Theater 6:30PM
Dinner Theater Cleanup 9:30PM
MAY 17 Worship 9:00AM
Farewell to Jean Haack
MAY 19 Stewardship 7:00PM
MAY 20 Worship 7:00PM
MAY 21 Bible Study Terre Verde 6:30AM
Ascension Day Worship 7:00PM
St. Paul’s in Manitowoc
MAY 22 Schaefer/Vlasak Rehearsal 6:00PM
MAY 23 Schaefer/Vlasak Wedding 2:00PM
MAY 24 Worship 9:00AM
MAY 25 Happy Memorial Day
MAY 27 Worship 7:00PM
MAY 31 Worship 9:00AM

Gloria Dei Book Club
The Gloria Dei Fiction Book Club is discussing Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson Tuesday, May 5 at 7pm.

Non-Fiction Book Club
The non-fiction book club’s next selection is American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House by Jon Meacham. Politicos who believe the American presidency wields too much power can blame Andrew Jackson. This biography, by Newsweek editor Jon Meacham, argues that Jackson transformed the presidency from being subservient to Congress to an independent and vital factor in government by crisis and force of will. Jackson made himself the center of every controversy during his two terms and was the first to bypass Congress and to appeal directly to the people. Meacham's account enlivens and humanizes the guy we see on the front of the $20 bill. Please let Sue Salzsieder or Mike Field know if you are interested in reading this book. We'll determine a date to meet when we've all finished reading it.

***When You Desire a Hospital Visit***
Please read this!!! Because of the new changes in privacy laws, Pastor Vicki must be called by you or a family member if you desire a hospital visit. Even if the hospital asks you for your information, it is not always delivered, and when delivered, not always in a timely manner. Please call Gloria Dei’s office 920-898-5333 or Pastor Vicki’s cell phone 920-716-0661

Electronic Giving or Simply GivingPlease consider using "Simply Giving," or automatic cash withdrawal/deposit as your method of giving. Since January we've been in a cash flow crunch with our current expenses and the building fund. Simply Giving allows a somewhat more stable cash flow picture. Contact Colleen Allee for the "Simply Giving" info. 920-889-1187’Barb Spiegel, Treasurer

Wednesday Worship Service
We now offer two worship services. In addition to our Sunday morning 9:00am service we celebrate worship on Wednesdays at 7pm. Holy Communion is served weekly at both services.

Counters for May
3 – Dean and Jayne Meyer, 10 – Roxie Ruechel, 17 – Al and Jenny Krebsbach, 24 – Al Fett,
31 Julie Schaefer

Not-Yet-Ready-for-Divine-Time-Players Invite You to the Dinner Theater!
Please join the NYRFDTP for an evening of great food, laughter and fun! This year’s show is “Attack of the Lake People” by Pat Cook. Join us Saturday May 9 at 6:30pm, Sunday May 10 at 4pm, Friday May 15 at 6:30pm and Saturday May 16 at 6:30pm. Help is still needed in the area of clean up at 9:30pm following the final show on May 16th! Please call Dianne Fett 898-5103 for tickets or see after worship sales reps!

Church Cleaning
We rely on church volunteers cleaning. A list of jobs will be posted on the kiosk. If you or your family is able to clean during the week, please sign up! Al Fett, Facilities and Events

Spring Church Clean Up
There are some seasonal tasks we need to complete to prepare the church for the spring summer season, so we invite you to participate in spring clean up Friday, May 1, all day (please attend to work in the sanctuary first, as there is a wedding rehearsal at 5pm) and Saturday morning, May 2, until 10:00am . Sign up on the kiosk! Al Fett

Youth News
Thanks to the youth who have already signed up to serve at the dinner theater! If you have not signed up, especially if you are a confirmation student, please see me ASAP!

Also, youth 12 years and older, parents and other interested adults – save the date for our annual youth concessions day at Road America on Saturday July 19th. Our church has an EXCELLENT reputation and we thank you for your great service in previous years that helps us to continue this outreach!

Coming soon, we’ll be seeking ways to involve congregational members in a 3 on 3 basketball tournament we will be hosting at Gloria Dei on Saturday June 27 and following worship on Sunday June 28! I will be sending a mass email later this week with more information!
Mike Stephany, Youth

Confirmation News
8th graders, you should have registered or soon be registering for confirmation camp this summer! Please see PV for scholarship checks of $100 for every student. Thanks to the youth group for donating this money to empower your camp experience!

Prayer Chain
Remy Field, cancer.
Payton Lenhardt, brain injury
Pastor Tim Routh, serving in Iraq
Private Tina Checkie, basic training
Ashley Rickert, serving in an orphanage in Mozambique
Brandon Hull, leukemia
Those seeking employment
Please e-mail prayer requests to if you would like them to be shared with the prayer chain. Please indicate if you would also like them to be shared with the Sunday morning prayers. If you would like to be added to the prayer chain, please send an e-mail to the address above as well. Thanks!

From Your Financial Secretary
To save resources, financial statements will now be distributed bi-annually instead of quarterly. You may request a statement if you need one at any time. Coleen Allee

To Hannah Schumacher, daughter of Randy and Julie Schumacher and Marilee Krebsbach, daughter of Al and Jennica Krebsbach, on making their First Communion!
To Cari Sabel, director, Doug Everson, music director, Molly Sabel, Heidi Sabel, Steffi Sabel and Kendra Cobs, actors for their success in THE WIZARD OF OZ!
To Liz Everson for receiving an internship at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC!
To Jerry and Pat Jensen on the birth of their grand-daughter Emilia Lorraine Jensen (Dan and Beth Jensen)!

A Bunch of Thanks
To Jean Haack, Blanche Brenwall and Cathy Palmer for planning and preparing the Seder Dinner!
To Jayne Meyer for ordering and arranging our beautiful Easter flowers!
To Doug Everson and the choir for the beautiful music during the Holy Week and Easter worship!
To Dianne Fett, Mike and Carol Field, and Karren and Jaremy Cobble for cleaning the church this month!
To Tara Leithold for heading up our cookie dough sale!
To Kris Stephany for her leadership in bulletin creating/printing/folding!
To Austin Anderson for his singing leadership during the Lenten worship!
To all of you who donated soups, breads, desserts and other items for the Lenten soup suppers!
To Jerry Jensen for re-organizing and updating our church bank accounts!
To our brothers and sisters in Christ in other area churches for their participation in the ecumenical Good Friday worship hosted by Gloria Dei!
To Scott Rickert for preaching and Jayne Meyer for leading worship during the Wednesday service when PV was away!

Farewell to Jean Haack
As many of you know, Jean Haack will be moving to Land O’ Lakes this summer. We are very sad to see Jean depart from us! Please join us for a farewell reception for her following worship on Sunday, May 17th! Thank you Jean for the countless ways you’ve been of service to our church family and community!

Prairie Burn
Burning the prairie every 3-5 years helps control weeds and trees from establishing in the prairie. The growing points of native prairie plants are below the soil in early spring, the growing points of non-native weeds are generally above the soil. So, when a fire goes through the prairie the prairie plants are insulated by the soil, and the weed are toasted.

The burn has been re-scheduled because of rain for 10:30am following worship Sunday May 3. This will require cooperation from the weather --no rain, little wind. Shouldn’t take much more than an hour. Bring an old broom. You can just show up but if you would lie or let me know ahead and I will get a hold of you if the date needs to be changed. 920-483-0333

May June
Altar Set Up: Carol Field Altar Set Up: Nicole Allee
Rachel Barrett Kira Ruechel
May 3: June 7:
Greeters: Barrett Family Greeters: Karren & Jaremy Cobble
Acolytes: Haliegh Stephany Acolytes: Haleigh Stephany Abby Sabel Abby Sabel
Lector: Colleen Allee Lector: Jaremy Cobble
Ushers: Scott Rickert Ushers: Kira Ruechel
Adam Ruechel Roxanne Ruechel
Communion Assist: Don Allee Communion Assist: Dianne Fett

May 10: June 14:
Greeters: Blanche Brenwall Greeters: Ruth Camomilli
Acolytes: Emily Anderson Acolytes: Dana VanDyke
Emily Kolberg Ellen Kildsig
Lector: Miki Wise Lector: Al Fett
Ushers: Al Fett Ushers: Heidi sabel
Dianne Fett Molly Sabel
Communion Assist: Rachel Barrett Communion Assist: Mike Hetzner

May 17: June 21:
Greeters: Stephany Family Greeters: Craig Family
Acolytes: Christopher Jacobs Acolytes: Mariah Barrett Trever Agnew Emily Anderson
Lector: Tim Argall Lector: Mike Hetzner
Ushers: Dick Welsch Ushers: Mary Agnew
Kathy Welsch Trent Agnew
Communion Assist: Gene Telschow Communion Assist: Nicole Allee

May 24: June 28:
Greeters: Pleshek Family Greeters: Fett Family
Acolytes: Austin Barrett Acolytes: Max Kornetzke
RJ Liethold Mate Kornetzke
Lector: Jeremiah Schaefer Lector: Jerry Jensen
Ushers: Bill Craig Ushers: Coleen Allee
Wayne Zwart Katherine Allee
Communion Assist: Roxie Ruechel Communion Assist: Tara Leithold

May 31:
Greeters: Heller Family
Acolytes: Jenny Kolberg
Jenna Pleshek
Lector: Brodrick Barrett
Ushers: Dave Leithold
Tara Leithold
Communion Assist: Jayne Meyer

A big thank you to all who volunteer their time and talent to assist with worship service.

1 comment:

Pat R said...

Tori Murden McClure rocks, i would love to read her memoirs