Thursday, February 26, 2009

Newsletter - March 2009

Dear Friends,

I have created a Lenten series this year burgeoned from Associate Bishop Joy Mortensen-Wiebe’s time of visioning with us this past fall.

If you recall, during her visit, we looked backwards at the highs and lows of our ministry together over the past 29 years and celebrated some of the ways our various ministries have taken shape utilizing the spiritual gifts of our people. As we located ourselves as the church of “now,” Associate Bishop Joy asked us the question: “What is God up to at Gloria Dei?” She encouraged us to begin our gatherings, whether they are “official” like council or committee meetings, “social” like pot-lucks, Tables for 8, C’YA Later events, “teaching times” like confirmation, Bible studies, fiction and non-fiction book clubs, “service” events, like our ecumenical Empty Bowls or our dinner theater, “supportive meetings” like our Glorious Young Moms group, “advocacy,” like our ecumenical participation in the community organizing group ESTHER, “prayer” groups and meetings, or even those spontaneous reasons we gather, two or more of us, in Christ’s name, with that question. She told us at these times to identify how we’re using our gifts and to listen for the Spirit’s calling for how we, the unique people of Gloria Dei, are being called next to share our gifts in new ways.

During this Lenten time, I will be using my weekly Wednesday worship time with you to examine some of the spiritual gifts I see alive and well in our congregation. I will highlight places, programs and events where I see them being used and challenge us also to consider if there are other ways we are being called to share these gifts. It is my prayer that we can use this time for some more listening and visioning!

The series will cover these topics:

Ash Wedensday, Feb. 25 – The Gift of Tears
Wednesday, March 4 - The Gift of Laughter
Wednesday, March 11 – The Gift of Friendship
Wednesday, March 18 – The Gift of Prayer
Wednesday, March 25 – The Gift of Chores
Wednesday, April 11 – The Gift of Blessing

Perhaps these aren’t the spiritual gifts you expected to find on the list! Often we expect the gifts or even form our spiritual gift lists into tasks instead of broader concepts like those listed above. There’s nothing wrong with that, we need to accomplish specific tasks at church as well – we need readers, greeters and committee members, to be sure! I thought perhaps we could broaden the way we talk about our gifts, however, and see if we can be surprised by some of the things we have to offer by looking at them in a new way, and ask the questions of where those gifts have led us, currently lead us, and could lead us if we use our imaginations!

As ever, I look forward to our Lenten journey together. I invite you to join us as we begin the journey of Lent on Ash Wednesday. Join us weekly for Lenten soup suppers beginning at 5:30. Please sign up on the kiosk if you are willing to make a soup, bread, or bring items like cheese, crackers, milk, etc. that will be needed. Join us Wednesday evenings for worship. In addition to the spiritual gifts Lenten series, we’ll also be using the Holden Evening Prayer service and sharing in a simple communion service, as we’ve committed to doing now that we have weekly Wednesday worship.

Blessings in Christ’s hope!
Pastor Vicki

MAR 1 Worship 9:00AM
Rotation Sunday School 10:15AM
Worship and Music 10:15AM
MAR 3 Gloria Dei Book Club 6:30PM
The Shack by William P. Young
Stewardship 7:00PM
MAR 4 Lenten Soup Supper 5:30PM
Choir Rehearsal 6:00PM
Worship 7:00PM
MAR 8 Worship 9:00AM
Rotation Sunday School 10:15AM
Daylight Savings Time Begins
We will meet on Sat. March 21 for a retreat
Glorious Young Moms 6ish
El Camino in Kiel
MAR 11 Lenten Soup Supper 5:30PM
Choir Rehearsal 6:00PM
Worship 7:00PM
MAR 15 Worship 9:00AM
Rotation Sunday School 10:15AM
Youth Spaghetti Supper 4-7PM
Early Registration for Confirmation Camp at
A discounted price ends
MAR 17 Happy St. Patrick’s Day
Stewardship 7:00PM
MAR 18 Lenten Soup Suppers 5:30PM
Choir Rehearsal 6:00PM
Worship 7:00PM
MAR 20 Youth Lock in @ Church
MAR 21 Church Council Retreat 9AM-3PM
Ledgeview Nature Center
MAR 22 Worship 9:00AM
Rotation Sunday School 10:15AM
MAR 25 Lenten Soup Supper 5:30PM
Choir Rehearsal 6:00PM
Wednesday Worship 7:00PM
MAR 29 Worship 9:00AM
Rotation Sunday School 10:30AM

Gloria Dei Book Clubs
The Gloria Dei Fiction Book Club is discussing The Shack by William P. Young on Tuesday, March 3 at 7pm. The Nonfiction Book Club will be discussing 1491 : New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus by Charles C. Mann. In a riveting and fast-paced history, Mann debunks much of what we thought we knew about pre-Columbian America. Reviewing the latest, not widely reported research, Mann zestfully demonstrates that long before any European explorers set foot in the New World, Native American cultures were flourishing with a high degree of sophistication. Please join us!

President’s Message
I would like to thank our congregation for responding to our call for help! We had some financial difficulties and you gave us some help, so thank you.We are not by any means free of financial worry. If we continue to give, do what we can and be consistent things should be ok. We will probably have an intentional stewardship drive and some fund raisers, which may be needed to develop a consistency to know where we’re at budget wise.

A thank you to outgoing council members Rachel Barrett, Sue Immich, Louie Kolberg, and Jean Haack for having done a wonderful job!

A welcome to incoming council members Tara Leithold, Jerry Jensen, Broderick Barrett, and Al Fett. We believe our congregation has an excellent group of council members to lead us through the coming year.

There will be a Sat. March 21st council retreat held at Ledgeview Nature Center from 9am to 3pm.We are able to gather here without cost. Our purpose is to get to know each other better and to do some long range planning for our church. Thank you, Michael Field

Memorials and Gifts
· Trent and Mary Agnew in memory of Cameron on his birthday, February 14, donated to the building fund.

***When You Desire a Hospital Visit***
Please read this!!! Because of the new changes in privacy laws, Pastor Vicki must be called by you or a family member if you desire a hospital visit. Even if the hospital asks you for your information, it is not always delivered, and when delivered, not always in a timely manner. Please call Gloria Dei’s office 920-898-5333 or Pastor Vicki’s cell phone 920-716-0661
Lenten Soup Suppers and Worship
The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, which this year falls on Wednesday, February 25th. Please join us for soup suppers for the following Wednesdays at 5:30 for soup suppers March 4, 11, 18, 25, and April 1 and 8 and stay for worship. We will be using the Holden Evening prayer for worship and sharing in Holy Communion every week, as this is our commitment for weekly worship. Pastor Vicki will be sharing a preaching series on “Identifying our Spiritual Gifts as Individuals and as a Church.” During Holy Week, we will have our traditional Maundy Thursday worship service and this year it is Gloria Dei’s turn to host our ecumenical Good Friday worship service put on by the Kiel/New Holstein Ministerium. We are interested in having another Seder Meal on Wednesday during Holy Week if volunteers will come forth to co-ordinate it. Please see PV if you are interested.

Snow Plowing
Thank you to all of you who contacted people to snow plow the parking lot. As a cost saving measure, the parking lot will be plowed when there is more than 2” of snow. – Jean Haack

Electronic Giving or Simply GivingPlease consider using "Simply Giving," or automatic cash withdrawal/deposit as your method of giving. Since January we've been in a cash flow crunch with our current expenses and the building fund. Simply Giving allows a somewhat more stable cash flow picture. Contact Colleen Allee for the "Simply Giving" info. 920-889-1187’Barb Spiegel, Church Treasurer

Wednesday Worship Service
We now offer two worship services. In addition to our Sunday morning 9:00am service we celebrate worship on Wednesdays at 7pm. Holy Communion is served weekly at both services.

Glorious Young Moms
We have a wonderful group of young moms meeting once a month at 6ish (because that’s the life of a mom!) on Tuesday, March 10. They will meet at El Camino in Kiel this time. New members welcome at any time! If you have questions please call Rebecca Hansen, 849-9932 or Heidi Aprill 894-1348 ‘

Church Clean Up and Snow Shoveling
We rely on church volunteers to do our snow shoveling, and now, cleaning. A list of jobs will be posted on the kiosk. If you or your family is able to clean during the week, please sign up! If you happen to be in the building and see a job isn’t checked off for a week and you are able to do it, your help would be greatly appreciated!

Gloria Dei needs three Thrivent representatives in order to apply for $1300 Care in Congregations funds. The money may be used for projects and supplies in the church.

One lead coordinator is needed. That person applies for funds and records how those funds were used via computer. This can be done at 4:00 a.m., 10:00 p.m. or whenever it fits in the coordinators schedule. Mere minutes are needed to apply or record events.

Funds may be withheld if the congregation doesn’t have three representatives.

Not Yet Ready for Divine Time Players
Our group is looking for new adult and young adult actors for our dinner theater group! If interested please contact Dianne Fett. Performances this year will be Saturday May 9 & Sunday May10 and Friday May 15 & Saturday May 16. Kitchen and youth help will also be needed.

Prayer Chain
Remy Field, cancer.
Payton Lenhardt, brain injury
Pastor Tim Routh, serving in Iraq
Steffi Sabel, recurring illness
Frances Ninmer, bone weakness
Please e-mail prayer requests to if you would like them to be shared with the prayer chain. Please indicate if you would also like them to be shared with the Sunday morning prayers. If you would like to be added to the prayer chain, please send an e-mail to the address above as well. Thanks!
***Confirmation Camp News***
Because of the national youth gathering going on this year, adjustments have been made to the confirmation camp schedule and there WILL NOT BE CAMP the week we are normally scheduled to go, following the fourth of July. Instead, we will be attending the session at Imago Dei Village from June 28-July 3. Early registration for this event has begun, and you can register and pay here: or by picking up a form from the church office. After March 15, an additional $25 will be charged for registration, so if you would like to save money, please plan to register prior to that date. The youth group will plan to reimburse families part of the tuition fees based on youth group earnings.

Youth Spaghetti Supper
Please join the youth Sunday, March 15 for their annual spaghetti supper. Please plan to have your youth work a shift at the the event, as proceeds go to fund confirmation camp and youth events – sign up on the kiosk. We are also looking for donations of food items from the congregation; items are listed on pull tabs on the kiosk. Mike Stephany

Youth Lock In
The youth are planning a lock in at church on March 20-21. Please sign up on the kiosk and return the covenant and health forms!

A Bunch of Thanks
To on-coming council members Jerry Jensen, Al Fett, Tara Leithold and Broderick Barrett.
To returning council members Mike Field, Karen Ebert, Cheryl Heller, Barb Spiegel, Mike Stephany, and Tim Argall.
To Jayne Meyer, Blanche Brenwall and Kris Stephany who cleaned the church this month.
To Kris Stephany for planning and running the church bake sale held during Kiel’s Winterfest, to Fred Muermann and Muermann Engineering for allowing us to utilize their parking lot for the site of the sale and to all of you who baked and worked with Kris!
To Kris Stephany and Miki Wise for coordinating the Empty Bowls for Hunger ecumenical fundraiser and to all of you who donated your time, talent, soup and appetite to the cause!
To Blanche Brenwall, Gary and Joyce Meyer and Cha Kildsig for providing Confirmation class meals this month!
To Sue Salzsieder and Joe Wise for chaperoning the Junior High Youth Gathering!
To the confirmation students and their adult helpers for hosting the annual Shrove Tuesday pancake supper!
To Nicole Allee and Austin Anderson for representing us at Crossways Camping Annual Meeting!
To Bill and Peg Craig for representing Gloria Dei at several ESTHER interfaith community organizing events this month!

Notes of Thanks
Greetings in the Lord,
I wanted to drop you a note on how the Lord used you in the jail ministry.
You may or may not know I lead the Lord’s Bible study in the county jail. A few weeks ago I needed to order a case of Bibles and other materials. The money wasn’t there for the order. We put it in the Lord’s hands. Before the week was out we received a check for $200 from you, which was used to place the order.
May the Lord bless you and His words ever be in your hearts.Yours in the Lord, Robert Wagner (snow plower)

To the People of Gloria Dei,
We want to thank you for hosting our Empty Bowls event this year. We feel so fortunate to have all of your help and support in helping us feed the hungry!
Sincerely, Miki Wise and the Kiel Middle School Quest Kids

Selia Salzsieder, James Wise, Nate Pleshek, Jon Kobs, Mariah Barrett, Abby Sabel and Molly Sabel for their involvement in the Chilton middle school production of “Pirates of Penzance.”

Rummage Sale
For everyone getting the spring cleaning itch, Kris Stephany is willing to store your stuff at her house if you’re willing to donate it to our rummage sale and DESPERATELY need to get it OUT of your house!

Fortune Faithful Investment Club
Our group has openings for one or two new members who are interested in how best to invest our money in our tumultuous economic climate. We’re looking for people with both an interest and is willing to commit to regular monthly meetings and being engaged in the workings and decisions of the club. If interested contact Mike Field, Jerry Jensen, Scott Rickert, Dick Welsch or Derek Rickert.

It is difficult to conduct a service without these needed helpers. If you cannot fulfill your obligation on your appointed Sunday please make arrangements to switch with someone.

March April
Altar Set Up: Cari & Jerry Sabel Altar Set Up: Katherine Allee
Annette Pleshek Laurie Argall
March 1: April 5:
Greeters: Welsch Family Greeters: Argall Family
Acolytes: Mariah Barrett Acolytes: Max Kornetzke Emily Anderson RJ Leithold
Lector: Tara Leithold Lector: Jayne Meyer
Ushers: Katherine Allee Ushers: Laurie Argall
Nicole allee Tim Argall
Communion Assist: sue Immich Communion Assist: Sherry Wilberscheid

March 8: April 12:
Greeters: Agnew Family Greeters: Barb Spiegel
Acolytes: Christopher Jacobs Acolytes: Jenna Pleshek
Trever Agnew Dana VanDyke
Lector: Peg Craig Lector: Angie Roth
Ushers: Cari Sabel Ushers: Dean Meyer
Jerry Sabel Jayne Meyer
Communion Assist: Al Fett Communion Assist: Adam Ruechel

March 15: April 19:
Greeters: Leithold Family Greeters: Jensen Family
Acolytes: Haliegh Stephany Acolytes: Ellen Kildsig Emily Kolberg Mariah Barrett
Lector: Gene Telschow Lector: Mike Hetzner
Ushers: Mike Field Ushers: Craig Heller
Carol Field Cheryl Heller
Communion Assist: Barb Spiegel Communion Assist: Carol Field

March 22: April 26:
Greeters: Allee Family Greeters: David & Laura Hoban
Acolytes: Jenny Kolberg Acolytes: Nate Kornetzke
Jenna Pleshek Marcus Wise
Lector: Andy Anderson Lector: Rachel Barrett
Ushers: Brodrick Barrett Ushers: Jaremy Cobble
Rachel Barrett Karren Cobble
Communion Assist: Anne Sellen Communion Assist: Cheryl Heller

March 29: Counters:
Greeters: Bev Thoma March 1 – Krebsbachs
Acolytes: Marcus Wise March 8 - Cobbles
Austin Barrett March 15 – Jayne and Dean Meyer
Lector: Becca Zimmermann March 22 – Julie Schaefer
Ushers: Mike Hetzner March 29 – Roxie Ruechel
Jerry Jensen
Communion Assist: Molly Sabel

A big thank you to all who volunteer their time and talent to assist with worship service.

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